
Jyorei, 浄霊, is a spiritual practice based on the focusing of Ki, universal life energy, also referred to as "divine" or spiritual light. This meditative action fosters positive changes to both the physical and the spiritual body and that it helps to eliminate suffering by dispelling negative energy. Jyorei has its roots in Japanese spirituality and is gaining recognition in the West. Jyorei is transmitted through the hand of the giver to the spiritual body of the receiver with the intent of purifying the spirit; this purification reflects to other levels of consciousness and often to the physical body. Receivers often find that over time they experience spiritual growth, physical healing, etc. There is no physical contact involved while administering Jyorei. Jyorei is a practical way of raising one’s spiritual consciousness as a means to make this an ultimate world of health, peace and prosperity for all. One is not required to drop membership in their religion or spiritual practices in order to learn Jyorei. However, it requires an initiation during which you receive an "amulet" called an Ohikari, inscribed with the divine kanji.

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