Three Levels of Enlightenment

The Japanese word “soku” means to cling to, to adhere to, to become one with something else. Sokushin Jobutsu means that one becomes an Enlightened being in this life by properly identifying our nature and recognizing our inherent unity with all of the enlightened beings of history. It means you’re able to attain perfection of all of the qualities of a Buddha while you’re yet living in the present physical body.

All of us are comprised of six things: Earth (the principle of solidity), Water (moisture), Fire (energy), Wind (movement), Emptiness (creative potential), and Consciousness (soul, mind). The Buddha, Christ, Krishna as well as you and I possess these qualities, and in this sense these great spiritual teachers and you and I are basically the same. When you realize this truth, then your actions, speech, and thoughts can undergo a transformational experience which changes the consciousness and impacts your immediate environment. That is, you can become an Enlightened being right where you are, right now. The great Buddhist teacher Kobo Daishi divided the process of Enlightenment training into three levels. These are the three levels of Sokushin Jobutsu.

  1. Rigu no Jobutsu-We are all Enlightened beings in Principle

Everyone has received the potential for enlightenment by reason of their being born. However, most don’t realize this and therefore, they believe that they are ordinary, unenlightened people. When these people listen, practice and understand the spiritual truths, they, then, come to realize that they are basically capable of being Enlightened beings right now, and with this experience, they can attain the sphere of self-awakening.

  1. Kaji no Jobutsu-Becoming Enlightened Through Empowerment

Having realized this, you must now do something in order to manifest or to practice this enlightenment in your daily life. The first step is to study the teachings and put them into practice. You’ll need a spiritual teacher to guide you, and those who arrogantly think otherwise remain bound to illusions keeping them from enlightenment. The true student will do everything in their power to align their actions, words, and thoughts with the spiritual truths. In their spiritual practices, they’re supported by the teacher and the fellow students, and by his inherent enlightened nature slowly manifesting itself. This is understood as the energy of God working on them externally. This is what is meant by the word “empowerment”, that is receiving power from God.

  1. Kentoku no Jobutsu-Manifesting Enlightenment

When the spiritual student has reached the level of constant awareness in his cultivation of the San-mitsu, purifying his body, speech, and mind, God will confirm to them that they have achieved enlightenment, their original state. At this point the ordinary person who we have seen work hard to manifest spiritual truth in his or her life is considered an Enlightened soul, and he can become a teacher for others on the path.

Sakyamuni Buddha, Christ, Konko Daijin, Meishu-sama and Kobo Daishi were such persons who achieved enlightenment and are respected by millions of people throughout the world. You too can achieve this lofty goal if you have the sincerity of spirit and humility necessary to submit to a teacher and actualize the San-mitsu in your life. Enlightenment is available to you now.


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